Against all norms

Against all norms It is amazing how life can take a whole new twist due to just letting loose. Letting loose in the form of ignoring some social norms or what is par of the course of what is expected by the society. These norms can affect nearly any aspect of our lives. They contribute to our clothing choices, how we speak, our music preferences, and our beliefs about certain social issues. I am not here to speak of norms anyway 😀😀....but of my experience over what's made me so happy over the past two months, happiness dug up from the least expected places. If you are bright enough, you already have an idea of the mess I have gotten myself to(sorry for the mentally incapacitated😂😂) It is a girl of course, one of many in the category of men's kryptonite. I don't know if anyone escapes this.. "Mine" however is not just any girl. As I mostly say, great things come in great sizes.In this case, huge. By huge, I don't mean insanely overweight. Maybe potentia...