Against all norms

Against all norms

It is amazing how life can take a whole new twist due to just letting loose. Letting loose in the form of ignoring some social norms or what is par of the course of what is expected by the society.
These norms can affect nearly any aspect of our lives. They contribute to our clothing choices, how we speak, our music preferences, and our beliefs about certain social issues.
I am not here to speak of norms anyway 😀😀....but of my experience over what's made me so happy over the past two months, happiness dug up from the least expected  places.
If you are bright enough, you already have an idea of the mess I have gotten myself to(sorry for the mentally incapacitated😂😂) It is a girl of course, one of many in the category of men's kryptonite. I don't know if anyone escapes this..
"Mine" however is not just any girl. As I mostly say, great things come in great sizes.In this case, huge. By huge, I don't mean insanely overweight. Maybe potential👀.
I am speaking in terms of height though. She is really tall. Let's call her X.
At first, I was freakishly afraid of her. She looked way to mature for my standards and looked like a no-nonsense old woman. She was tall that I could not call her a girl like the rest. I could still see the beauty of this belle but already, the society had already placed a barrier and a glaring no-go-zone sign.
Days went by, so did months with, my self-imposed "respect for my elders". It was like this for a long while and it would have been like this for an even longer time if it wasn't for an allegedly stupid comment that I made about X's post on a certain social media platform. Oddly as it seems, it was the female species that initiated first contact. It goes against another norm formulated that it is the guy who is supposed to make the first move.
A little advice to the girls. I f you are interested in a guy, go for the kill.9 out of 10, times the guy is single or won't decline. Certainly I lie in the other 1 out of 10😂😂😂. On this day was different case though. We started talking a lot, late in the night texts all kinds of funny things. At first I thought it was just an intense friendship forming.
Then came the dreaded disease commonly referred by Donald Trump as "
The Chinese Virus". We all had to flee to safety which meant low physical contact with our friends and to some none.
Actually this time was all that was needed to discover what was silently brewing. A ticking time-bomb that was about to blow. Suddenly i realized that I missed someone. That one person in particular. X.
I would think about her mostly and just smile and get lonely at times when remembering the good times we shared. Her cute and goofy smile imprinted in my mind would lead to an insanely high production of dopamine. I was actually fucked😑😑. Then I decided to succumb to my feelings and pour out all what I felt towards her.... i still don't remember all what I said.
Those are now three social norms violated. Short guy going for a tall girl, girl approaching boy and dropping all your feelings towards someone.
At this point, f#@$ social norms and do whatever makes you happy. If anything goes wrong, I am sure you can afford tissue towels to blow your nose and wipe your tears.
Back to X, my whole world seemed to revolve around her. I would do anything for her unquestionably. She has even influenced some of my decisions. On her birthday, since we couldn't meet, I tried to make it as unique and  special to her.
I actually haven't felt this good about a girl ever and hope everything goes well because honestly, we are not getting any younger.
I want her to be my girl for mischief like Bonnie and Clyde, as I have told her quite a lot of times while madly in love and me treating her as royalty as she deserves. Even her name is reminiscent of a goddess👸.
This piece was meant to show that happiness is not always found by following rules set by imaginary people.

Do you and follow what will make you happy because you never know how much you will get...but of course there are boundaries, for example I am sure how most tenants would be happy to slap their caretakers😂😂😂


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