
There's an attribute for which I am known for. One for which strangers are prone to comment on when we first meet or notice when I leave my seat. At 5'11, I stand taller than most and it seems as if I cannot walk into a room without comments about how far my head resides above the ground. I've grown accustomed to the gazes and while some may shun me, most are amazed by my stature. But as usual I stride like a model whilst minding my own business or just pretend they're fans coming to gawk. Most times I can't help but appreciate the attention to detail in noticing my stature. Nothing pleases me more than hear someone say "wow you're tall!". I'm glad that I enrapture so many people's attention. But even better, hearing the vertically challenged beseech me to reach out things for them. I help them out happily because tall is something that I'll always be. What most people don't know is that some things you'll never get to see ...