
Showing posts from February, 2017

Let God

We crave acceptance, therefore criticism and judgement are hard on us mentally and emotionally. The fact is-it hurts. But confronting the criticism and judgement of other people becomes easier when you remember that ultimately it is before your own master you stand or fall. In the end you will answer to God alone.How can we succeed at what God has called us to if we are overly concerned about what other people think?  If you get the idea in your head that everything concerning your life should always be perfect, you are setting yourself up for a fall. This is not to suggest that you should be negative. But you do need to be realistic enough to realize ahead of time that in fact very few things in life are ever perfect. Many people are hurting terribly and are crying out for help, but they aren't willing to receive the help that God has to offer. It is amazing how we often want things our way. When someone hurts you, you may feel they owe you something, yet Jesus wants you to le...


The holiest of all places on this earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love. Men had buddies, women had friends. Buddies bonded but friends loved. Apologies can be hard to make but it takes a spirit of humility to admit our mistake, which may not come naturally for us. But taking responsibility for how we were wrong in a situation can bring healing an restoration to a relationship.. Swallow your pride and make the first move even if you can't find a card to help you say it.  Whenever you offend a friend, apologize and make things right. for if you will admit your wrong you may avoid a needless fight. the best way to get the last word is to apologize. Many times people form close relationship and depend on their friends to be there for them instead of looking to God. Even in the best relationships people will disappoint you because people are not perfect. It is right to love and respect others, but always remember that only God can be count...

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